Auto Glass Repair
If your vehicle's windshield or window has been cracked, chipped or damaged in any way, come to Capitol Glass Company Inc. Our technicians can repair any automotive glass.
Auto Glass Replacement
When the glass on your vehicle has been damaged beyond repair, our crew can completely replace it. Get a whole new window or windshield today!
ADAS Calibration
The sensors and cameras that enable your vehicle to keep you safe must be calibrated after windshield replacement or collision repair. We have the tools to do it right!

Whether you need a new windshield for your daily driver or a local glass service for your company's fleet, we're dedicated to your total satisfaction!

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News & Updates

As if you don’t already have enough to deal with, you just noticed a hairline fracture in your windshield! You’re already driving an older vehicle and your paint job has seen better days. You’re planning on buying a new car in the not too distant future, but your current plan is to drive your current vehicle until the wheels fall off. Your vehicle is paid for, and the air still blows cold. A little chip in your windshield is nothing to worry about, right?

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Recent events have forced businesses to run the leanest operations in history, and many companies aren’t even fully staffed. Those of us fortunate enough to have a steady job must work longer hours than ever to pick up the slack. If you own the business, you dare not leave it unattended for long. If you work for someone, you must often approach them with your hat in your hand to take any personal time off of work. With the world’s weight on your shoulders right now, a hairline crack in your windshield might not warrant your immediate attention.

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Map Sceen

Capitol Glass Company, Inc.

801 S Broadway St

Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 374-6422

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