Capitol Glass

No one has ever been happy about buying a new windshield for their vehicle. In fact, most people consider it an inconvenience, to say the least. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s dangerous and illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a damaged windshield, and neglecting to replace it increases your risk of an expensive ticket or a collision.

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Our vehicles are one of the most important possessions that we own, but Unfortunately, many of us tend to take them for granted: we ignore tires that are going bald, wait too long between oil changes, and ignore that check engine light that’s been on for months. We don’t do this on purpose, but these days, we’re all really busy, and with so much month left at the end of the money, we tend to procrastinate when it comes to dealing with maintenance issues until we’re stuck with a car that won’t start, or can’t be driven safely.

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Capitol Glass Company, Inc.

801 S Broadway St

Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 374-6422

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